Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blog Relocation

We recently decided to move our blog to a wordpress site and we no longer will be publishing content on this blog. Check it out.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Breaking the 3 Walls of our Comfort Zone

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been associated with being the shy, quiet, smart and conservative person. Someone who almost always kept to himself, wasn’t too loud and didn’t cause much of a ruckus anywhere. I wasn’t the daredevil in the room, and I  wasn’t the one telling countless stories about some sort of crazy adventure that happened in my life. Not to say that I didn’t like to talk, I actually wished I could talk more. I really just don’t know what to say most of the time.

Throughout most of my life, I accepted this. I accepted that I was the way I was, and pretty much nothing was going to change me. I was comfortable, and felt safe just going through the typical motions of life. I had big dreams, but somehow I felt that I could just work hard, and eventually everything would eventually come rolling my way. That somehow, my future and the life I desired would automatically fall into place.

I was clearly wrong!

Considering the way I was, believe it or not, my big dream is to be an entrepreneur! Why be an entrepreneur? Well simply because entrepreneurs change the world! They have the innate ability to create a great change in their lives and within the lives of others, whether it be providing a job, providing a service, or making life just simply easier for everyone. That is my big dream and I think about how I’ll be able to achieve it every day. Whether it be determining solutions to a problem a friend of mine has, to brainstorming global problems that the world faces every day, I really enjoy thinking about how to improve things...simply because I feel that I can make a difference.

But an entrepreneur you say? Entrepreneurs are supposed to be the opposite of quiet, shy and conservative. Entrepreneurs’ voices must not only be heard, but remembered. Entrepreneurs’ actions inspire some and motivate others. Entrepreneurs are leaders, decision makers and constantly take risks. They don’t sit around and let things happen to them, and they most certainly don’t accept things to just stay the way they are. They are the leaders of today and the pioneers of yesterday.

In many ways, the description of an entrepreneur is much different than what I’ve been considered to be, and how I’ve acted. I would say that, for most of my life, I’ve been the complete opposite, never taking risks, never doing the uncomfortable, and never stepping out of my boundaries. I let the comfort zone define me and who I was.

What I’ve learned for a while now is that I have the ability to overcome those boundaries. We all do! Although it has been part of me for most of my life, I don’t have to continue walking the same path forever. I can choose any path I’d like. The only thing that is stopping me, is... well me!

So, I chose to start moving forward. I needed to start improving my faults and determine ways to overcome the different walls I’ve stayed away from all these years. The walls which constantly kept me from growing into the person I aspire to be, and living the life I know I’m capable of living, no matter how difficult the road. I’ve found three of them to be the following:

Perception of Impossible

“You must always do the thing you think you cannot do"
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Before attempting anything in life, we usually gauge the possibility of achieving some task or goal. We consider how feasible the act is, and our ability to accomplishing it. For the things we are good at, usually sky is the limit, but for the things we are uncomfortable with, and the things that we think we are completely incapable of doing, we usually avoid it all together. This is the most common trap people fall into. Because we think we cannot do it, we can’t, and frankly, we won’t!

To overcome this mentality, we need to be optimistic. We need to have faith in our abilities and have the resolve to at least try doing what seems impossible. If we don’t, then how can we ever find out what we are truly capable of? If we don’t, then how will we ever seek out that extraordinary dream?


The unknown is a scary thing. The possibility of the worst thing happening is the first thing that comes to mind when trying to overcome an obstacle, and the possibility of the best case scenario usually comes last. With that in mind, it is no wonder many of us give up before even trying anything in life, because of all the “What if’s” we ask ourselves time and time again. It is ok to be cautious, but it is even more important to be courageous! The interesting thing about uncertainty is that we can actually shape it into whatever we want and deal with it in many ways. Imagine life as an adventure, the countless possibilities, or the future that lies ahead. Keep this in mind, and uncertainty can be shaped into a strong motivator!

Fear of Failure

"If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
-Thomas Edison
Probably the most discouraging wall is the fear of failure. Failing is never a good feeling, and in every situation we try to avoid failure at any cost. Even if we took an attempt at something, if we failed, usually right after, we give up and stop trying simply because we weren’t successful the first or second time.

I could say for a fact, that my greatest failures, have proven to be the best teachers, and the loudest motivators in my life. Instead of letting failure tell me how wrong I was, we need to use failure as a tool for learning how not to make the same mistake again, or how to improve from it. Instead of letting failure get the best of us, we need use it to make the best us!

These are some pretty difficult walls I’ve got to say, but thinking about your goal and passions should give you the motivation to overcome the obstacles the comfort zone presents. I understood what it would take to be the type of person I want to be and had strong desire to become just that. The comfort zone I was so used to and all the uncertainty and fear of failure that came with it, would no longer be an excuse. I visualized what it would be like to be at point Z, and started planning out all the steps it would take to get there.

Everyone has their own type of obstacles that they must face, some more difficult than others, but that shouldn’t matter. The comfort zone is a place we can’t let ourselves get stuck in, especially if it is keeping us from achieving our dreams and life goals. The perception of impossible, uncertainty and the fear of failure are difficult walls that will continually keep us from growing, but we can’t let it. If someone were to ask me what some of my life defining moments were, I would say that they all occurred when I took some sort of risk, when I felt uncomfortable, but did it anyway! Our lives can change if we break out of our comfort zone and decide to just go for it!

So start moving already! What will you do to break out of your comfort zone?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Achieving Success in the Real World—It’s Not What You Expect.

It was finals week of my last semester as an undergraduate. Many things were running through my head at that time; in particular, I was concerned with polishing up projects and making sure I was well-prepared for the coming exams and presentations. I remember spending 5 days straight with an average of 3 hours of sleep per day on my senior design project just so that it was “perfect” (it never actually got to that point, but I still tried).

If you knew me back in elementary school, or even highschool, I was the complete opposite—for me, success in school meant doing as little work as possible. Not only was I lazy, but I was also a big troublemaker (I remember bringing a pet spider to school and when I got caught, I said it was for my project. Yeah, I know, pretty bad-ass). Despite this, I always thought to myself: “I’m going to slack off now, but in college I’ll do my best—that’s how I’ll succeed.”

Fast forward into the future, once I got into college I stayed true to that promise (thank God) and I became completely obsessed with trying to succeed. To me, the most apparent way of doing so was through academic excellence. I thought that by getting A’s, by participating in class, and by doing things that a “good student” should do, I would eventually succeed in life. If I just follow the curriculum and do my best, I would achieve my childhood dreams and be successful. I had it all figured out.

The structure that college provides is very comfortable. You go to class, you do your homework, and you pass the final exam. Repeat this cycle for 4-5 years, and you’re ready to face the “real world.” Once you graduate, you have the right tools to achieve whatever it is you want in life. However, the steps to do so are not entirely obvious. If you’re like me and got spoiled by school (or by the “system”), where should you start?

Growing up as kids, most of us were constantly bombarded by images of what defines success. To be successful, you need to drive a nice car, make a lot of money, be popular, and have a happy family; all at the same time. The better you are or the more you have than the majority, the more successful you appear. In this sense, success is measured through a state of external affluence. Through this association, we strive for these possessions because we believe that ultimately these things will make us happy and feel like we’re “living life.”

But, should this be the measuring stick within which we define success?

When I graduated college and finally achieved what I was aiming for, to be honest, I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting this ecstatic feeling brought by what I thought was success. Instead, I didn’t feel any different than when I was a student, only this time, I had a diploma. All along, I was aiming for the status of a straight-A student because I thought that being one would mean that I achieved success. But once I finally got there, it didn’t feel that way at all. Even looking back at it today, I cannot say that I was successful in college because I fit that image of what a “good” student is supposed to be.

What I did value, however, was the person I became by aiming for that goal. I started practicing values such as hard-work, discipline, and dedication to my daily routines. I became passionate about learning and I was actively seeking answers to my various curiosities in life. I also realized that if I wanted to do/change something, I can’t put it back for later—I have to start now. These were all virtually nonexistent in me before college; however, they were all traits of the person I wanted to be. Actualizing those values were more important than what those values brought to me—a piece of paper.

It then hit me.

I had placed sole value on achievement while overlooking the process and foundations of achieving. Success, I pondered, is not simply attaining the end-goal, but it is also about who you become during the process. In this sense, it is a state of being, not simply being at a state. It is internal affluence that defines success, not it’s counterpart.

I started questioning my goals and the assumptions I had made of what I thought was success. Do I need a dream car? Do I need a lot of money? Do I need to live in a mansion? These were things I realized didn’t matter as much as I had previously considered. The superficial clouded the way I perceived success and my vanity was certainly getting ahead of me.

Rather than continuing on with this mindset, I identified the values and principles of who I wanted to be and tailored my goals around them. To me, having integrity and living each day with virtue matters more than any material possession.

If you had also fallen prey into interpreting success as an end-goal, I urge you, break free from it and define what really matters to you. Forget about the images associated to success and the notion that you need luck to be successful. Although it is natural to measure success this way, aiming to fit those images may not necessarily be consistent with what you truly want. Maybe all the money, fame, women/men, cars, etc. don’t really matter to you as much as you think. Do you value experiencing new things? Exploring the earth? Trying different food? Spending time with your friends/family/girlfriend/boyfriend? Identify what’s important to you and align your goals accordingly.

Consider all aspects in your life and define success in your own terms. Stop comparing yourself with others, and run your own race! Answer the question “Who do I want to be?” not, “What do I want to be?”, and work towards becoming that person. Because in the “real world”, no one else will be the judge of personal success but you.

So tell me, what does success mean to you?

Monday, May 16, 2011


His name was Frank and a hurricane stole his home. 

We sat by the pier as he told us the story of how he and his family had evacuated days before the tides came in, how he was now staying with relatives on the outskirts of Louisana. He told us how he watched on television, as did the rest of the nation, as Mother Nature ravaged through New Orleans, turning over houses like pancakes on a grill. He told us how he had returned to his home—or at least what was left of it—and found a water damaged structure creeping with pungent bacteria and crumbled wallpaper. He was neither somber nor exuberant. He simply told us his story...then happily bought us Chinese food.

That caught me off guard, too.
In Spring 2006, I went to Louisiana to help out with the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Instead of distributing health supplies and the like, much of our efforts centered around “house gutting.” House gutting—which is as grueling as it sounds—is the process of removing all items from homes that had been damaged by the Hurricane and its subsequent flooding. This included furniture, personal items, and the walls themselves. Putrid stench? Garbage bin. Moldy wall? Sledgehammered. Rotted clothes? Thrown. For the sake of resident health, a lot of things had to go. We gutted a good number of houses there; among them was Frank’s.

Three days into the mission, our team leader informed us that Frank wished to meet.

“Remember the house we cleaned up the other day? By the bridge?”

Between the hectic scenes, I couldn’t.

“The owner wants to hang out with us in downtown New Orleans.”

That’s nice.

“Yeah, he’s treating us for dinner.”

Cool. Wait, what? A former New Orleans resident—his house nearly destroyed, his money obviously tapped—is treating random college kids to dinner?

That confused me.

I remember the day my team first met him. He walked into our school headquarters, faded jeans and red hat, a smile that carried much-needed light into the grim auditorium. It was after gutting hours so the sweat had drenched our t-shirts with moisture and an unfamiliar odor that was making me uncomfortable. But Frank smiled while he spoke to us. He didn’t seem to mind about the facilities and the smells.

“Long day?” he asked, smiling.

“You could say that.”

“Well, hopefully you guys aren’t too tired. It’s gonna be a fun night.”

And it was. We toured the New Orleans I had, until then, only dreamed of visiting—a pleasant, beautiful environment with lights lush and sounds and the gracious Southern treatment. Our four previous days had been spent constantly working on its torn outskirts, gutting homes and showering, so the trip came as a much-needed vacation to us. Frank was an extra gracious host. He brought us to a hot spots he used to frequent, recommended dishes at dinner, and drinks for dessert. He told us more about himself, how he worked as a carpenter, how he had come back from a relative’s home to check up on what used to be his house. He had heard organizations were helping out residents and that was when he caught wind of our team, the ones responsible for gutting his place. And that’s when he turned to us and told us:

“You know what? I’m so grateful for what you’re doing for me and my family.” He smiled, struggling to fight back tears.

At the pow-wow that night (we had late-night bonfires at HQ), I asked a fellow team member about Frank. It confused me that he was thanking us. I mean, we didn’t rebuild his house—we tore it apart piece-by-piece. We dismantled decades of memories, sentiment embedded in once gleaming walls of French trimming and glossy paint. We discarded boxes of photographs, proof of lives that had seen good times—better times—with the ease one possesses when discarding a dirty tissue. It all seemed so disheartening to me, gutting houses of the value that made them significant in the first place. How could he be so optimistic in the face of demise, of people coming into your home and throwing out baby pictures, love letters, and air conditioners? My partner shrugged and replied:

“I don’t know. Maybe he’s just grateful.”

And it hit me. That was it. What I had been overlooking the entire time. Frank wasn’t acting nor was he feigning compassion. He was sincerely grateful for us helping him out. I realized that he stopped looking at the negatives long ago, at what he had lost and instead focused on what he still had: his wife and son. Family. Memories of the city, places to eat, food to enjoy. Good times and good drinks. The opportunity to treat complete strangers like me and my team for Chinese food. Teeth with which to smile and to bear it all. Sure, the hurricane had taken his house but it didn’t topple his humanity. His generosity. His dignity. His mortgage on life.

I’ve realized that in a society centered around money, it’s exceptionally easy to forget about other people. To value paper currency over human lives, to place emphasis on the material at the expense of the meaningful. Likewise, it’s easy to attach your self-esteem to a bank account and to suffer emotionally when the balance dips red, when your friends brag about their luxuries. We’re all guilty of these vices. I know I am.

But it’s not fair to yourself—or anyone—to invest so much into the fleeting points of life. There are other types of capital as well, ones the economists cannot measure and ones the commercials on television will never tell you about. Like capital of relationships. Of happiness. The value of a loved one. The thrill of a birthday present. The relief that comes with a breeze on your summer skin. Prayer, bed talk, surprise texts, awkward moments—how can you replace those things with credit? You can’t. And why would you?

You don’t need a swimming pool in your living room. If you fill your pockets with gratitude, you’ll be the richest person alive. It’s not that difficult—just learn to love the things you overlook.

Take a deep breath, exhale, and smile. Write a list of three things that make you happy. And keep going. Surprise someone with a gift. Tip more than twenty percent. Smile at your grocery store cashier. The magical power of gratitude? The more you give to others, the more you’ll find it coming your way.

And Frank made me realize this just with a simple thank you.

The day before we left, Frank treated us to another lunch: Cajun food by the pier. He told us once more that he was grateful for our help and that he would miss us when we’d leave. We dined, we spoke, we finished the meeting with a group hug and went on our separates ways.

On the long (I mean, long) car ride back to New Jersey, I remember reflecting on his words.

“Thanks again. I love you guys. I don’t know how to make it up to you but someday I will. Honestly, you guys saved me. Really.”

I like to think Frank was the one who helped me out.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Ivan Story

It was the same scene I saw every morning before going to my 2008 summer job: Grandma and four-year-old Ivan (the boy she babysat) in my living room watching Dora the Explora. But one week that summer, I took off from work and spent my days with Grandma and Ivan. This story is about that one particular week.

Day 1.

There I was watching Dora the Explora with Ivan. My Grandma had gone off to do her chores around the house, so I was solely responsible for watching over him. Unfortunately (or so it seemed at the time), our watching of Dora the Explora was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing in my room on the second floor of the house. So, I started walking towards the stairs when I realized I couldn’t leave Ivan by himself in the living room. The logical thing to do: I brought him to “the upstairs” (as Ivan calls the second floor of my home).

After finishing my phone conversation, I noticed Ivan – very quiet, slowly completing a 360 degree visual scan of my room. Then he started touching some stuff in my room (without my permission – I didn’t mind, though); all the while with a look of genuine awe on his face.

Day 2.

We weren’t even 2 minutes into Dora the Explora, when Ivan asked me if he could play in “the upstairs.” And it hit me: Ivan didn’t even know that “the upstairs” existed before yesterday. And here he was, asking to play in that new place above the first floor ceiling. His mind and world were forever expanded to the dimensions of the second floor!

Now watching Dora the Explora in my room, he started exploring the rest of “the upstairs.” And I almost expected what happened next: He came across a curtain, which he soon discovered (after pulling it aside) leads to my attic – the third floor of my house.

Day 3.

I didn’t even have the chance to turn the television on before Ivan grabbed my hand and asked me to take him to “the up-upstairs” (aka: my attic).

And it hit me even harder: Wow. Just yesterday, Ivan didn’t know my attic existed; and now, he wants to play in that new place above the second floor ceiling!

I realized at that exact moment that Ivan would never be satisfied again just playing in my living room – the one place in my house he spent month after month prior to my one week off during that summer of 2008, living. Simply because he knew there was more. And as you would probably guess: The same pattern continued on Day 4 and Day 5 of my one week off from work. That summer, Ivan discovered not only the second floor and attic of my house, but went on to explore my basement, my backyard, and frontyard – expanding his world to include new places, images, objects, sounds, thoughts, experiences, and even emotions. He was seeing the rest of my house for the first time in his four-year life, full of pure excitement from simply discovering something new.

During my summer of 2008, I met not only a new friend, but a teacher, in little Ivan. He taught me that there’s so much more to this world, to this life, that remains at this very moment, undiscovered… unexplored. He inspired me to constantly stretch the limits of my known universe and in the process, learn, grow, and truly live.

To little kids, every day is an extraordinary opportunity to step into the shoes of “Dora the Explora”; they’re always discovering something new. We can, and should, still be the same way. Life never has to be unexciting. Life never is unexciting. And if it seems as though, then it simply means that we’re stuck in some living room, thinking that that’s all there is. But you’d be wrong! Be curious again! Walk around a little and you’ll surely find stairs leading to some “upstairs” (whatever that will mean to you) that you never previously knew existed!

As adults, we’ve all felt bored with work, school, and relationships. All “bored” really means is that we’ve stopped growing. If you’re bored with work, then set a goal to become the best at what you do! It’ll give you reason to want to get up in the morning and make a flawless masterpiece of your work day. Same thing with school: strive to really learn something in class. You’ll only be better off in doing so. And with relationships: each and every one of us is an infinite being. Therefore, we can never really run out of new things to learn about someone else (let alone yourself)! Just ask more interesting questions about your partner! And even if you do run out of things to learn about another person (highly unlikely, though), there’s always new foods, films, music, cities, woods, jungles, vacations, lakes, books, mountains, cars, blogs, pictures, beaches, clothes, churches, museums… (the list literally goes on forever) to experience… together.

Life is way too short to not live in the biggest possible world you could possibly live in. Redefine your idea of “possible” right now! Let this “Ivan Story” be that fortunate phone call from “the upstairs” that lets you know that there’s more! And make a commitment to start being a little more like Ivan and get out of that living room! Now! Start exploring new “second floors” in your life every single chance you’re blessed with!

The world, the universe, is unbelievably HUGE.

And life… it’s our ONE (exciting!) CHANCE to explore as much of it as we can.

A True JOCC Story by Julian Pormentilla.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What is a "JOCC"?

In American subculture, the “jock” is considered a derogatory term for sports fanatic. When people utter the word, the image of an arrogant bully often comes to mind. We (Julian, Oliver, Chris, and Crisanto) are far from this definition of a “jock.” In fact, the closest any of us came to sports stardom was seventh grade kickball.

However, as JOCCs, we do share one main commonality with our sports-loving counterparts: we are both athletes. And though we may not wear Letterman jackets or date hordes of cheerleaders, we certainly train vigorously to win. The game we “play” has no painted sidelines, no penalty kicks, and no shot-clocks. It begins, simply, with you and an empty court. No cheering sections, no VIP booths, and no popcorn nor hot dogs. The lines? You draw them. The rules? You make them. The teammates? You choose them. The name of this game? Life.

As JOCCs, we are “Athletes of Life.”


Put simply, JOCC is an anagram of its founding members’ first initials (see above). A homonym for jock, the term was initially intended as a wisecrack for the sports junkies we never were. No, seriously. We had a good laugh about it, too.

But after the joke faded, we realized something: our version had less to do with high school sports and more with general living. We were a community of four guys committed to following ambitious goals upholding strong ideals. We began shaping the term. We started small—motivations, habits, interests—and moved onto larger concepts—habits, routines, and dreams. What we finally ended up with was a model, a framework for the values which we hope to follow everyday.


So you’re probably wondering now: what, then, is a JOCC? The best way to describe a JOCC is to explain the principles for which he or she stands.

JOCCs Strive for Personal Excellence.
JOCCs encourage constant growth—within and without. A JOCC is constantly working toward doing his or her best. Take a look at Olympic Gold Medalists. At first glance, they appear to be overnight success stories, displaying unparalleled excellence in their respective sports and claiming spots among the best athletes in history. But take a closer look at their stories and you’ll see this reality: their journeys are never easy. Each Gold Medalist is a product of countless hours spent working-out, pushing themselves beyond their known limits even in the absence of millions of screaming fans. And something the best athletes of life share in common, is the unwavering belief that their best achievements are yet to come.

JOCCs are Strong Believers in Free-Will.
JOCCs believe that choices play a major part in building character and the future. To them, choice is not a static force—it is a dynamic question that requires action. Should I seek this job? Yes/no? Do I approach this beautiful person with intent of romance? Yes/no? How should I go about today’s lunch? (Urgency varies, of course). JOCCs do not leave matters to happenstance—they understand that life is a parchment on which choice is the ink. JOCCs are adaptable and intelligent decision makers.

JOCCs Have an Open Mind and Learn from Others.
Innovation may be the mother of necessity, but research is its father. As such, JOCCs must learn and grow from others’ experiences. The world is overflowing with knowledge, far too much for one person to integrate completely. The public masses credit the Wright Brothers with the birth of flight; but, what of the innovators that created the engines on which their models ran? What of Sir George Cayley, Chanute, Lilienthal, Leonardo da Vinci, Langley—the works of whom inspired the brothers to begin aviation in the first place? What of the birds on which the core concept of “flight” is even based? Did they not invent flight as well? Life is a journey not meant to be traveled alone. And each mind is a unique accumulation of thoughts constantly being shaped and re-shaped by its interactions with others. The result? New experiences. New innovations. New steps forward in human progress.

JOCCs Pursue Happiness.
...because in the end, this is what it’s all about. Happiness. Not counting post-life stages and sleep, the average person has approximately 37,843,200 minutes of existence on this planet and no one (in their right mind) wishes to (purposely) spend even one of those minutes suffering. Happiness is naturally the better choice. Happiness is the best choice. The bottom line is: Happiness is a choice. And JOCCs choose happiness every time regardless of the road on which it lies and the obstacles that may impede.

JOCCs Serve Others.
A JOCC understands that giving is absolutely necessary for personal growth. From food and technology to art and music—these fields have flourished through centuries of exchange. We are no longer nomads—we are citizens of a rapidly changing world; a world where computers bridge continents, where international trade makes friends of ancient enemies, and where it is becoming increasingly impossible to go to work without smiling at a stranger. As much as we like to think we are in this world for ourselves and for our own paychecks, we’re not alone and we can’t be truly selfish. Friends, lovers, parents, charity—we are all living for something and/or for someone. The enlightened JOCC understands that in order for this “global community” to survive and flourish, we must continue to “give back.“ Charities, religious institutions, or our own families—it does not matter. Selflessness breeds a wonderful cycle of giving - something infinitely more rewarding than opening a present on Christmas day.

Of course, any person who champions any noble pursuit can be considered a JOCC. Olympic athletes, artists, firefighters, writers, sculptors, musicians, humanitarians—they are all worthy candidates. The list goes on as do the values they embody.

In Conclusion...

The JOCC Blog is our very own testament to embodying the JOCC within ourselves. Though we differ in our individual goals, we share the common vision to serve others. The JOCC Blog is yet another way we choose to serve – but this time: together. It is our collaborative effort to share with others the helpful insights we gain throughout our life journeys. And it is our hope that these insights will expand your mind to the dimensions of limitless possibilities, dare you to take the next steps towards your ideal future, and unleash the JOCC within you – all for the purpose of helping you create an incredible masterpiece of your life.

A daunting goal… but simple, nonetheless:

You can’t live an incredible life unless you first learn how to live an incredible year.
You can’t live an incredible year unless you first learn how to live an incredible month.
You can’t live an incredible month unless you first learn how to live an incredible week.
And you can’t live an incredible week unless you first learn how to live an incredible day.

You see: The incredible masterpiece of your life starts with today.

As JOCCs, we think big; but we take small steps.

We thank you for taking the time to learn about JOCC today, and we invite you to take your next step, with us.

Julian, Oliver, Chris, & Crisanto

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Introducing the JOCCs

The airplane. The telephone. Toothpaste. What do they have in common? At first glance, there’s no distinguishing similarity. One carries people, the other links them together. Two run on electricity, the other fluoride. One requires a brush, the other, a combustion engine. You get the picture.

But look a little closer—they do indeed share some common traits. For one, each word contains four vowels. Its devices require a hand to operate. The inventions all have made its owners very, very rich. Most importantly, a single product does not belong to a sole creator. Each innovation is the consensus of joint creativity and teamwork, created painstakingly through centuries of trial, error, and more error. Without teamwork, our generation would not be enjoying any of these luxuries.

Yes, even the toothpaste.

Created in late 2010, JOCC is a group of young individuals dedicated to continuing this ethos of teamwork. An acronym for co-founders Julian, Oliver, Chris, and Crisanto, JOCC is a charismatic support group that encourages its members to reach out and achieve lifelong aspirations. But don't let the name fool you—we're not muscle-centric boneheads. JOCC is an organization full of talented and bright visionaries. Programming, public speaking, graphics, IT—each member has a passion different from the next. We are JOCCs of ambition. I guess you can say we are "Athletes of Life."

This post is the first of many stories to future leaders, dreamers, and just plain readers. Our members, despite being in their early twenties, have overcome mountains of trials, trials of which our closest friends have never even heard—the blog will revisit these stories in epic fashion and style. We'll also share new tales with you, anecdotes about ourselves, our dreams, who we love, what we love, and why it all matters to us. On some days, we'll talk about food for the hell of it. We wish you enjoy our site because it's not just text you'll be reading but real experiences. So bring a camera and join us for the wild ride.

Don't be afraid. Be a JOCC.