Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Introducing the JOCCs

The airplane. The telephone. Toothpaste. What do they have in common? At first glance, there’s no distinguishing similarity. One carries people, the other links them together. Two run on electricity, the other fluoride. One requires a brush, the other, a combustion engine. You get the picture.

But look a little closer—they do indeed share some common traits. For one, each word contains four vowels. Its devices require a hand to operate. The inventions all have made its owners very, very rich. Most importantly, a single product does not belong to a sole creator. Each innovation is the consensus of joint creativity and teamwork, created painstakingly through centuries of trial, error, and more error. Without teamwork, our generation would not be enjoying any of these luxuries.

Yes, even the toothpaste.

Created in late 2010, JOCC is a group of young individuals dedicated to continuing this ethos of teamwork. An acronym for co-founders Julian, Oliver, Chris, and Crisanto, JOCC is a charismatic support group that encourages its members to reach out and achieve lifelong aspirations. But don't let the name fool you—we're not muscle-centric boneheads. JOCC is an organization full of talented and bright visionaries. Programming, public speaking, graphics, IT—each member has a passion different from the next. We are JOCCs of ambition. I guess you can say we are "Athletes of Life."

This post is the first of many stories to future leaders, dreamers, and just plain readers. Our members, despite being in their early twenties, have overcome mountains of trials, trials of which our closest friends have never even heard—the blog will revisit these stories in epic fashion and style. We'll also share new tales with you, anecdotes about ourselves, our dreams, who we love, what we love, and why it all matters to us. On some days, we'll talk about food for the hell of it. We wish you enjoy our site because it's not just text you'll be reading but real experiences. So bring a camera and join us for the wild ride.

Don't be afraid. Be a JOCC.